Australian Reservist


DRA Journal

The DRA Journal, The Australian Reservist, is edited by a tri-service Editorial Committee, and is published twice yearly in March and September. 


The Australian Reservist - Issue 33

This issue contains:
- Chaplaincy with Army Cadets
- Maritime Component Command - Exercise Talisman Sabre - 2019
- The Origin of the RFD and RFM
- 2019 Colonel Jim Wood, MURA Travel Scholarship
- VALE Colonel Graham John Montague Farley
- VALE Lieutenant Colonel Richard (Dick) Cook
- Key Presentations from the 2019 DRA National Conference


The Australian Reservist - Issue 32

This issue contains:
- Chaplaincy with Army Cadets
- Maritime Component Command - Exercise Talisman Sabre - 2019
- The Origin of the RFD and RFM
- 2019 Colonel Jim Wood, MURA Travel Scholarship
- VALE Colonel Graham John Montague Farley
- VALE Lieutenant Colonel Richard (Dick) Cook
- Key Presentations from the 2019 DRA National Conference


The Australian Reservist - Issue 31

This issue contains:
- Deploying on Operation ACCORDION
- Observations on Exercise Talisman Sabre - 2017
- Reinforcing Battle Group Cannan: The bullet fired from the 2 DIV Gun
- New Awakenings for Veterans and their Families
- Unleashing Barbara - A Case for Re-equipping Army Reserve Artillery
- South Vietnam 1967: A CMF Observer Remembers
- Crossing the Blue Line
- Remembering Support to UN Assistance Mission to Rawanda
- What was the Australian Contribution to the Allied Victory in WW1
- Book Reviews - ‘Serving Our Country’ & ‘A Heavy Reckoning: War Medicine & Survival in Afghanistan & Beyond’


The Australian Reservist - Issue 30

This issue contains: Prince of Wales Award Report: Georgia on my mind - MAJ Duncan Munro, Feeding the Army - PTE Daniel Kamateros CAPT Lucy Saaroni, Helping keep the Peace: Serving on Operation MAZURKA -MAJ Murray Stewart, Commemorating the Battle of Beersheba 100 Years on - Images by CPL Nunu Campos, The Light Horse Today and its Forebears - MAJ Duncan Munro, The Defence Legislation Amendment Act 2017 - Changes to Reserve Service Protection, Mental Health: It is not just a problem for the Military - Leonie Christopherson, The Tulugal Programe: Producing Optimised Cavalry Scouts -CAPT Lucy Saaroni, The People’s Republic of China: Quo Vadis - BRIG Robert Atkinson, Ready Set Mud: Adding something new to the Milskills Competition -CAPT Lucy Saaroni, The Road from Regular to Reserve Service - SGT Matthew French CAPT Lucy Saaroni, and Book Review -"Romsey’s Tribute 1914 to 1919" -reviewed by LTCOL Neville Taylor


The Australian Reservist - Issue 29

This issue contains: Deployed to Iraq during the Battle for Mosul - MAJGEN Jeffrey Rosenfeld, Training with the Rifles - LT Elizabeth Normand, Profile on the Director General Australian Navy Cadets and Reserves: CDRE Mark Hill,  Memorial to National Servicemen - CAPT Barry Presgrave (Retd), Book Review - "Militia Units of Maryborough 1860 -1901" - reviewed by LTCOL Nev. Taylor, VALE Colonel James Wood, Key Presentations from the 2017 DRA National Conference: Australian Army Reserve Transformation: A Total Force - LTGEN Angus Campbell, Role of the DVA in Providing Assistance to Reservists - Graig Orme, DRSC: Working with Employers to Support Reservists - Jane McAloon, Current and Proposed Initiatives Affecting the ADF Reserves - RADM Bruce Kafer, Reserve Contribution to Navy Capability - CDRE Mark Hill, Army Reserve Initiatives and Report on ABCANZ Conference - BRIG Mike Annett, Designing the Future Air Force Reserve Force - GPCAPT Tony Hindmarsh, Government position on opportunities for the Reserve Forces to improve ADF capability, Opposition position on opportunities for the Reserve Forces to improve ADF capability.


The Australian Reservist - Issue 28

Inside this issue: A Reflection on Deployment as Chaplain to OP Anode - CHAP Mark Dunn, Being Left Behind - FLTLT Paul Dare, Training for Success - CAPT Lucy Saaroni, Sharpening the Sword - 11 BDE’s Junior Officer Development Program, The DRA submission to the Review of the RANR - CAPT Joseph Lukaitis RANR, Recommendations from the Review of the RANR - CAPT Joseph Lukaitis RANR, Tasman Scheme Expanded - Call for Nominations - MAJ Catherine Neuhaus, Victoria’s Light Horse Regiments Honoured - MAJ Colin O’Dell (Retd), Helping Reservists Manage their Army Careers - LTCOL Murray Duckworth, The Modern Victorian Soldier - CAPT Lucy Saaroni & WO2 Bob Creelman, The Dead Prussian: Is Clausewitz Still Relevant - LTCOL Mark Smith, An Audio unit for the SA Boer War Memorial - LTCOL Murray Alexander, Book Review: “An Unending War” - reviewed by LTCOL John Boyce, Book Review: “Keepers of the Gate” - reviewed by MAJ Bob Harvey-Hall, Vale - Commander Malcolm Hedges, Vale - Brigadier William (Bill) Hocking


The Australian Reservist - Issue 27

This issue contains: Army Reserve Innovation - LTCOL John Molnar, Training the Millennials - CPL Tim Scully, Reservists Lead Creation of On-Line News Programme - SQNLDR Deanna Nott, An Anaesthetist on Active Service - CAPT James Hook, The Community of Veterans - COL Marcus Fielding, The Effects of Economic Rationalism on the Reserve - SQNLDR Alan Lyons, VALE Lieutentant Colonel Edward Lynes, and selected presentations from the 2016 DRA National Conference.


The Australian Reservist - Issue 26

This issue contains: Modernisation and Army Reserve Force Posture - CAPT Michael Trainor, Serving with the Colorado Army National Guard - MAJ Stuart Cumming, XX Leadership, XY Leadership or just good Leadership - CAPT Louise Broadfoot, Full Circle - COL Michael Bond, Reflections on Contemporary Service - MAJ Sally Heidenreich, A World of Opportunity at Headquarters 1 Division - MAJ Adam Christensen, Muslim Participation in WW I - MAJ Kevin Walsh (Retd), 11 BDE Soldiers win MILSKILS Trophy - CAPT William Heck & PTE Julia Whitwell, A Soldier at Sea - Deploying on Operation Resolute - Member of 5/6 Bn RVR, Working with the NZDF Chaplaincy Team - CPL Natalie Eagles, Trans-Tasman Cooperation enhances Investigative Services - FLLT Nicholas O’Connor, My Kapooka VIP Challenge 2015 Experience - Mr. Wes Allen, A Tour of ANZAC Cove April 2015 - Mr. John Bradbury, Book Review: “Memoirs of an ANZAC” - reviewed by LTCOL John Boyce (Retd), Book Review: “PNGVR: A History 1950 - 1973” - reviewed by LTCOL John Morkham (Retd), Vale - Brigadier Keith Rossi, Presentations from the 2015 DRA National Conference: Total Force Fact or Fiction : The Government view - Senator David Fawcett, Total Force Fact or Fiction : The Opposition view - David Feeney MP


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