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DRA 2024 National Conference

The 2024 DRA National Conference was held on Saturday 24th August 2024
"The ADF Reserves Strategic Review - Outcomes and Next Steps"
The location was the Auditorium of the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park South, Sydney,
(near the corner of Liverpool and Elizabeth Streets).
The traditional and convivial All Ranks dinner was held following the daytime sessions.
The presentations will be loaded on the website soon.
ESORT Communique - Letter from the DVA Secretary

Following is a letter from the DVA Secretary, Alison Frame, to the ESORT members regarding the Final Report to Government from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
ESORT Communique - August 2024

This is the latest ESORT communique. It summarises the outcomes of the ESORT Meeting held on Tuesday 27th August 2024, which was attended by our DRA representative.
Presentations from the 2024 Defence Reserves Association Conference

Presentations from the 2024 Defence Reserves Association Conference
24 August 2024
"The ADF Reserves Strategic Review – Outcomes and Next Steps"
The Defence Strategic Review and the importance of the Australian Defence Force Reserve

DRA Submission to the Reserve Strategic Review
This paper on the Reserve Review, was published in the June 2024 edition of the RUSI National Journal - United Service edition 75. It provides an overview of the submission provided by the Defence Reserves Association (DRA) to the Defence
team conducting the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) into Australian Defence Force (ADF).
Introduction of the Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets Bill 2023

What is the Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets Bill 2023?
The purpose of this new legislation is to establish a framework to regulate the work that certain former Defence staff members can perform without a ‘foreign work authorisation’; and the training that Australians, may provide without a ‘foreign work authorisation’.
DRA Submission to the Reserve Strategic Review

DRA Submission to the Reserve Strategic Review
The Defence Reserves Association has had constructive engagement with the Defence team conducting the Reserve Review and this is ongoing. The DRA Submission available here provides an overview of the DRA perspective and specific recommendations to inform the Review process. The DRA National Conference in Sydney being held on Saturday 24 August 2024 will of course focus on the Review and its outcomes.
Defence Reservists Deserve Non-Liability Health Care

The Defence Reserves Association (DRA), the Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA), and the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL), have written a joint letter to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Matt Keogh, seeking his support for the extension of health care to all those serving in the reserve forces.
DVA Information Access Unit

The Information Access Unit has been established within DVA, to serve as a single point of contact and source of advice to applicants seeking information.
Newsletters from the Western Australia Branch

The July 2023 Western Australia branch newsletter is now on line.
Update – Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans’ Suicides

A message to everyone in the Defence and Veteran communities
My name is Nick Kaldas and I am the Chair of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
I am writing to you to let you know who we are at the Royal Commission and what we hope to achieve as we deliver on the very important task that we have been set.
Newsletters from the Victorian Branch

The June 2023 Victorian branch newsletter is now on line.
Changes to Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001

The amendments to the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 came into effect on 27 Nov 2017.
The changes to the Act relate to the following areas:
- Protection against discrimination
- Employment protection
- Partnership protection
- Education protection
- Financial liability and bankruptcy protection
- Enforcement of the Act and remedies that are available.

Terms of Reference – Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans’ Suicides

The Defence Reserves Association (DRA), which is a joint organisation, is the only advocacy group specifically representing Defence Reservists and our position is that the Australian Government needs to take appropriate measures to enhance the health and wellbeing of all Reservists.
As such the DRA considers that the Terms of Reference of the proposed Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans’ Suicides should be broadened to include Reservists who have had lengthy periods of service in the ADF, but have not been required or given an opportunity to undertake any period of permanent service (which would have entitled them to apply for a White Card).
Defence Legislation Amendment (Discipline Reform) Bill 2021

A recent review of the ADF’s discipline system found that the current summary discipline system is overly complex, difficult to use, unresponsive and characterised by excessive delay because of its complexity.
A Bill to reform the ADF’s military discipline system was introduced into Parliament on 12 August 2021.
Veterans’ Covenant, The Veteran Card, Lapel Pin and ADF Reserves

With some limited exceptions, a different Lapel Pin, but no Veteran Card is being provided by DVA to ADF Reservists who have not had a period of full-time service.
The decision to introduce a Lapel Pin and Veteran Card, including a different Lapel Pin and no Veteran Card to ADF Reservists who had no period of full-time service, was taken without the considered consultation such a decision warrants. At no time was the DRA consulted or asked for an opinion on this matter.
DVA focus on the Welfare of Special Forces members impacted by Afghanistan Inquiry

DVA sends a letter to the DRA outlining the support they are providing to any veterans or their family members who may be concerned or impacted by the Afghanistan Inquiry or its findings.
What's New
Free Mental Health Literacy and Suicide Prevention Training
The launch of mental health awareness and suicide intervention training for the veteran community is now live.
2024 Defence Reserves Association Conference

Information about the 2024 Defence Reserves Association Conference is now on the website.
Defence Reservists Deserve Non-Liability Health Care

The Defence Reserves Association (DRA), the Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA), and the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL), have written a joint letter to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Matt Keogh, seeking his support for the extension of health care to all those serving in the reserve forces.
Remembering Them

A new free App and website - "Remembering Them" now offers a comprehensive record of Australia’s war heritage sites available to all Australians at the click of a button.

You can sponsor the DRA in many forms: financially or through "in kind" services. For sponsorship enquiries use the Contact Form here and select "Sponsor the DRA" as the nature of the enquiry.

Big Sky Publishing is an Australian owned, independent publisher specialising in producing high quality non-fiction books in areas including Military History, History and Autobiographies by Australian authors. They have an extensive Australian Military History book catalogue and also have published a number of books produced by the Australian Army History Unit. Big Sky Publishing support the DRA with a book prizes for articles published in the DRA journal which have a historical theme.

Ontime Publications publish a number of magazines and journals for various organisations including a number of Defence Associations. They support the DRA by publishing the DRA Journal - "The Australian Reservist" which is produced biannually. The generation of advertising revenue offsets the cost of printing an enables the DRA to produce a high quality magazine.

The Pratt Foundation supported the Defence Reserves Association with a generous grant to enable the establishment of the DRA's original online presence.

Telstra generously provided a grant to develop the Defence Reserves Association's original website.