DRA 2019 National Conference


From: Saturday August 17, 2019, 8:00 am

To: Saturday August 17, 2019, 5:00 pm

The 2019 Defence Reserves Association (DRA) National Conference is a tri-service all ranks conference that will be opened by His Excellency, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor of Queensland and addressed by a panel of distinguished speakers including:

  • Government Defence speaker
  • Opposition Defence speaker
  • Senior Officers of the Australian Defence Force (ADF)
  • Leading commentators on Defence matters


The program offers significant opportunities to better understand and discuss how the Reserve Forces can be used to build on the success of the TOTAL FORCE and how leaders can further leverage the capacity of our Reserve Forces.


Saturday, 17 August 2019, commencing at 0800 and concluding at 5.00pm followed by a tri-service all ranks formal dinner.


The United Service Club
83 Wickham Terrace

Program timings

  • 0800 – 0830 – Networking
  • 0830 – 0900 – Welcome by His Excellency, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor of Queensland
  • 0900 - 1230hr – Conference
  • 1230 - 1330hr – Lunch and Networking
  • 1330 - 1700hr – Conference
  • 1700 - 1900hr – Networking
  • 1900 - 2000hr – Conference’s Formal Dinner


Cost for attendance at the National Conference sessions and the Formal Dinner have been kept to an absolute minimum:

  • Conference and Formal Dinner*: $165.00/ person
  • Conference Only: $85.00/person
  • Formal Dinner Only* - $90.00/person

* Pricing does not include alcoholic beverages at the Formal Dinner.

Accommodation Options

1. United Service Club:

  • The Club offers a competitive rate for accommodation (delegates receive member club prices)
  • $155 - $195 for single occupancy*
  • $185 - 225 for double occupancy*

* includes breakfast.

2. City Hotels and Apartments Nearby:

  • A number of hotels and apartments are located very close to our conference venue
  • Please refer to the list attached to the Conference Administrative Instruction.

Administrative Details for the Conference

The Conference Program, Administrative Instruction is available:

Conference Registration


An Event Brite online registration page has been set up. To register to attend the conference and/or Formal Dinner, simply follow the link provided to eventbrite.


If you have unreliable internet access, you can also register by contacting the Secretary using the contact details below.


There are several options to pay for this event:

1. Eventbrite:

Pay at time of online registration on Eventbrite and follow the payment prompts.

2. By online bank transfer:

Simply transfer your payment to the DRA Account using the details below:

  • Bank: Australian Military Bank
  • DRA BSB: 642-170 Account Number: 100266495
  • Account Name: Defence Reserves Association
  • Reference: Your Surname and Initial conf and / or dinner

3. Through ROMAN:

For authorised Defence members use the DRA Vendor Details 1160227

4. By Cheque:

Make cheque payable to Defence Reserves Association, and post to the:

Treasurer, PO BOX 9347 WYNNUM PLAZA, QLD 4178

Need more Information?

Please call or email our DRA Secretary WO1 Warren Barnes:

  • Mobile: 0409 909 439, or
  • Email: warren.barnes2@defence.gov.au


United Service Club

183 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane QLD 4000

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