DRA 2024 National Conference

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"The ADF Reserves Strategic Review - Outcomes and Next Steps"

The 2024 DRA National Conference is being held on Saturday 24 August 2023 in Sydney, NSW.

The DRA National Conference will be of interest to Defence personnel from all Groups and Services, all-ranks and levels and from interested external organisations, and will be addressed by a panel of distinguished speakers including:
• The Government Minister and Shadow Minister
• Senior Officers of the Australian Defence Force 
• Leading commentators on Defence matters 

Conference Program:
The Conference provides an excellent opportunity to hear about, and discuss the outcomes of the recent ADF Reserves Strategic Review, and to ascertain the next steps in implementing the Review. The Conference Program has been finalised and can be downloaded here.

Current serving and ex-serving veterans are encouraged to attend the Conference.

Conduct of the Conference:
The Conference will be conducted using a hybrid model involving either attendance in person at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park, Sydney, or by a Webinar for those attending virtually.
Dress:  Service Dress or business attire.

The Auditorium of the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park South, Sydney, near the corner of Liverpool and Elizabeth Streets.
Entry to the Memorial is via the path between the water cascades in Liverpool Street. As you enter, please collect your name tag from the table outside the Auditorium.

Saturday 24 August 2024 running from 9.00am to 5.00pm AEST.  Registration commences at 8.15am.

Annual Dinner:
The Conference will be followed by a joint service, all-ranks Formal Dinner from 7.00pm in the historic Cellos Grand Dining Room in the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, just a short walk from the Anzac Memorial.
Dress: Mess Dress, black tie, or formal/cocktail wear preferred, or business attire.

Conference only is $50 per person (including morning tea, lunch).
Formal Dinner only is $90 per person. 
Conference webinar attendance: No charge for DRA members. Please contact your State Branch Secretary for an access code to register for the online Conference at no charge.
Conference webinar attendance: $30 per person for non-DRA Members. 
• To join the Defence Reserves Association visit the DRA membership page or contact your State Branch (details on the About Us page). 

• Webinar attendees may submit questions to the speakers via the option offered by the Teams platform.
   Please note that the speakers may not accept all the questions submitted.
• The link to log in to the webinar will be sent to all registrants by email before the Conference.

Following the Conference, the presentations will be uploaded for all in-person and on-line attendees to access for a limited period.

Registrations to attend the Conference and/or the Dinner remain open until COB 17 August 2024.

To register to attend the Conference and/or the Dinner, or the webinar, please click this link.

Helpful information regarding travel and parking as well as some accomodation options can be found here:

Defence Reserves Association National AGM
The DRA AGM will be held on Sunday 25 August 2024 from 8.30am (for registration), commencing at 9.00am until 11.00am AEST.

The administration instruction for the AGM can be found here:

Additional Information:
Please contact the DRA National Secretary, LTCOL Laureen Grimes by clicking this link.  

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